Pripyat-Chernobyl Tours by

  near Kiev, Ukraine

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News: Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and  Tour

Chernobyl Tour Status:  

Normal operations, high-season mode.
Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 10:41:26 GMT 

Headline News: Chernobyl Zone and Tour


August 02:
COVID-19 UPDATE: After a couple of months of tour closure, this operation is back to normal.  Feel free to contact us for more details.


March 19:
Relatively slow winter is over. The season is almost in full swing. April promises to be huge. Booking numbers are already massive and counting.


December 29:
End of a very busy and surprisingly long season.  New block 4 cover is sitting in its place. A lot of visitors have witnessed it moving slowly into position. Impressive view.  


April 29:
Wildfires have been put out. According to officials radiation remains at  original levels. All tours for closest dates have been cleared as good to go as


Dec 15:
Dec 31 is last tour day in 2014.
If you are planning for a trip between Dec 25 and Jan 13. make sure have it booked prior to Dec 25. Zone administration will be closed for the Holiday period, new applications will not be processed.  

Dec 1:
Brown bear is back in Chernobyl after century of absence.

Nov 23:
Jacking operation for Chernobyl sarcophagus confinement structure has been completed

Feb 22:
Despite of the political situation in Ukraine, tours run as usual.


Dec 15:
Despite of current political situation (mass-protests, demonstrations) in Ukraine, Chernobyl tour continues  to operate as usual.

Sep 25:
Chernobyl closes list of Top-10 most polluted/contaminated places of the world in 2013
(Sorces: Green Cross Switzerland, US-based Blacksmith Institute).

Sep 25:
Visiting "Duga-1" (aka "Russian Woodpecker") radar antenna array can now be included in tour program.          

Sep 23:
Tour operation has entered low-season phase. Tours will not be carried out every day. Visitors should plan accordingly.          

Aug 1:
Zone authority is about to start selling mandatory accidental insurance to visitors at 80 UAH per day (equivalent of $10.)         

Jun 8:
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) experts completed their visit to Chernobyl. Sarcophagus, buildings, and adjacent areas were inspected. See IAEA website for findings.      

Apr 27:
Long holidays for "Chornobyl Interinform". No new applications/bookings for tours scheduled between April 26 and May 12. Tours booked previously run as scheduled.

("Chornobyl Interinform" is the department of the Zone Administration that runs the Chernobyl tour.)

Apr 26:
27th Anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Commemorative events. Victor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine, visits Exclusion Zone.

Feb 13:
Partial roof collapse of nuclear power plant under heavy snow. Chernobyl radiation unaffected, levels remain unchanged. No injuries reported. No interruptions of tour services.

Feb 13:
Unusually heavy snowfall in Kiev-Chernobyl region. Capital of Ukraine Kiev crippled by weather anomaly. Minor interruption to tour services.

Jan 2:
Chernobyl Tour re-opens for 2013 operations after 2 days of holiday idling. Low-season mode. Resources dedicated to operations are limited, advanced booking is advised.


Jan 1 - Dec 31
(see archives)

PL - NL - CZ

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